Services for behavioral health organizations

Behavioral health is an incredibly complex business whether you are operating a county clinic or CBO (community-based organization). Compliance with regulations like 42 CFR, HIPAA, and state regulatory requirements in a constantly changing landscape can be difficult enough on its own. New capitated payment and business models based on value rather than fee-for-service have increased the complexity and programs like DSRIP, as well as partnerships and consortiums, cohorts, BHCCs, and IPAs, have made the business environment even more complex than ever. With all these new programs and models, viability and sustainability are real causes for concern so operating at peak performance going forward is an absolute requirement.

EHRs and data analytics platforms can be valuable tools through which you can measure and improve performance, but they only work if they are implemented correctly; they don't magically provide performance gains by themselves and the analytical approach for successful implementation requires commitment, time, and sustained effort.  

While using data analytics to improve quality and performance may be new to much of the behavioral health world, it is not a new concept. Manufacturers were early adopters of quality improvement through analytical processes and progressive, large hospitals and health systems have gone through this too. Business Intelligence platforms and EHRs for behavioral health have gotten to be relatively mature markets, so your organization doesn't have to reinvent the wheel to achieve its goals.

How we can help

We understand the complex business of behavioral health and we can help you work through the business, technical, and management issues using proven processes and strategies to find the right solutions for your organization. We don't sell hardware or software; we help you find the right answers so you can meet your goals and objectives.

  • Business process assessment and management
  • Alignment of business and technical goals
  • Planning and management of IT projects
  • IT planning and budget development
  • IT Reengineering
  • IT Gap assessments
  • Regulatory compliance - policy, procedure, and risk management
  • EHR/EMR procurement and implementation management
  • Data analytics tools procurement and implementation
  • Assistance with project and program development and management
  • Fractional CIO, CISO services

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e-volve Enterprise Management Services
519 Blakeslee Road
Milan, PA  18831

Call (607) 731-4097