Setting goals and objectives for enterprise procurement projects

Establishing Goals, Objectives, and Criteria for Success may be the most the most important component of your project. How will you determine whether or not the project is successful if you don’t clearly plan for and enumerate your goals? Your Enterprise Project may be an undertaking that requires several years from inception to completion.

How to assemble a winning ERP team

  Angela Hewitt is my favorite Bach performer on the piano and I have listened to her recordings of the Well Tempered Klavier hundreds of times. I recently heard Sir Andrass Schiff’s performances of the D Minor Prelude from Book 1 and was stunned. Even though I play it, I didn’t initially recognize it.

Enterprise Software Procurement – on time and on budget

Enterprise software procurementEnterprise Software Procurement So, you are looking for new enterprise or departmental software or some other type of major system. Maybe you are looking for a new ERP system, an EHR, a 311 system, or an EDMS? Maybe you need a major hardware upgrade as a solo project or as part of